Introduction to Memory Training


You need a trained memory to succeed in all walks of life. Whether you are in school, university or doing any kind of study you need to be able to study efficiently and to be able to quickly memorize vast amounts of information.

This web page is your key to a better memory. By using the tools on this web site and by doing daily mental exercises, we guarantee that you will be able to study more efficiently and effectively. You will spend less time studying and be able to retain more information than you have in the past. It may surprise you to know that the problem people have in recalling material is not because they have a “poor” memory, but because they have never been exposed to memory training. The tools introduced here can be used by anyone, regardless of their level of education or occupation. No matter whether you are in middle school, high school, college or beyond, these methods will make your life easier.

You would not be where you are today if you did not have a very good memory. You remember multiple addresses, birthdays, telephone numbers etc. Imagine how much more effective you could be at work and at home if you could exponentially increase your learning capacity with very little extra effort.

If you are a parent you can help your children learn new study habits and at the same time you will develop new skills.

On this web page you will learn techniques such as how to instantly create mental images and learn how to remember lists by linking the objects together using these mental images. Also, the tools on this site will show you how to remember dates, long digit numbers and never forget names of people. Once you have mastered the basic memory skills you will be exposed to techniques that will allow you to remember verbal directions and even techniques for remembering sequences of playing cards.

Memory training is much like training for a marathon. For running, you must have the correct equipment such as running shoes, non-restrictive clothing, sun block, proper diet, adequate fluids, etc. At first you are only able to run short distances, but as your training advances, your body adapts, and you will be able to run farther in shorter periods of time. Memory training is exactly the same. This site has all the tools you will need to improve your memory, BUT in order to fully utilize the tools and see an improvement in your memory, you MUST practice daily.

The basic principle of memory training is using your imagination to develop mental images and associations. The more you practice these techniques, the easier it will become to develop powerful mental images. Eventually you will come up with them instantaneously. You will be able to rapidly learn new material, remember people’s names and telephone numbers. This will make studying more fun and less tedious.

This is truly a "work in progress" and new material is being added all the time. If you would like to be informed when new material is added please click here

To prove to you that you already have a good memory, we invite you to click here to take a brief test. Don’t worry, your score will not be saved. After you have taken the test you will be shown the first of many memory tools that will improve your memory.

We suggest that you proceed systematically through the above menu items so that you do not miss any important tools and ideas.

Please click here to proceed to the next section which covers the science behind memory training

Come back and see new quotations every day

Daily Memory Quotation

“ We photographers deal in things which are continually vanishing, and when they have vanished there is no contrivance on earth can make them come back again. We cannot develop and print a memory.Henri Cartier-Bresson “

Daily Imagination Quotation

"Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination." John Dewey